Tax Collector
The office of the Tax Collector is responsible for the billing, reporting, enforcing, and collecting of taxes for all non-exempt Borough properties.
Taxes are due:
- February 1
- May 1
- August 1
- November 1
Grace Period: Each due date allows a 10 calendar day grace period, making the 10th day of February and May the last day to pay without interest. When the 10th day falls on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, the tax is due on the following business day.
Interest & Penalties: Interest is charged on delinquent taxes as follows: 8% on the first $1500.00, and 18% interest is charged on everything over $1500.00.
Non-payment of taxes after December 31st may incur an additional 6% penalty.
With a grace period to the tenth (10th) of the month before it is considered delinquent. A $20.00 charge will be incurred for all checks returned.
Receipts: Payments requiring a receipt must be accompanied by the entire tax bill with a self-addressed stamped envelope. Otherwise, detach the appropriate stub and mail with your check. The cancelled check will be your receipt.
Postmarking of checks: Please be advised that the State of New Jersey does not allow the Tax Collector to acknowledge postmarks, therefore taxes must be received in the office on or before the 10th
New property owners: New owners should contact the tax collector office for a tax bill if the former owner has not given the tax bills to them at the sale of the property.
Change of mailing address: Please submit in writing to:
Tax Collector - Address Change
215 - 217 Liberty Ave.
Little Ferry, NJ 07643
Preliminary and Final Taxes: The first half taxes (Preliminary) of any year are generally based on 1/2 of the previous year's taxes. When the bill for the second half taxes (final) is rendered, the tax rate has been established and the total years tax fixed. The estimated (Preliminary) amount is deducted from the total and the remainder becomes the second half taxes.
Your tax bill is calculated based on the assessment of your property, which is set by the Tax Assessor on October 1st of the previous year, which is then multiplied by the current year’s tax rate. The yearly bill is a combination of the following:
Municipal, Board of Education, Bergen County, County Open Space and the minimum Library funding which is required by State law.
These rates are set upon the adoption of each entity’s respective budget. The February and May payments due for Property Taxes are estimated taxes and equate to ½ of the previous year’s total bill. The August and November bills are based on the total taxes due for the year less the payments made in February and May to come up with a balance due for the year that is then split into two quarterly payments
Contact Information
Tax Collector: Frank Berardo
Tax Clerk: Anna Morolla
Phone: (201) 641-9234 x660
Office hours:
Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Closed for lunch daily from approximately 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Division of Taxation's Property Tax Relief Program